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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Terri Karis's Dharma Talks at Common Ground Meditation Center
Terri Karis
Over the past 25 years Terri Karis has been studying Buddhism, racial identities and whiteness. She is a member of Clouds in Water Zen Center, a white mother of black sons, and a professor of couple and family therapy.
2018-10-18 Workshop - Beyond Being a Good White Person - Parts 1 & 2 20:48
Beyond Being a “Good White Person”: Disrupting Unconscious Racist Identities: A 2-Part Workshop with Terri Karis. ** Please Note - This workshop contains group interactions and Q&A - only Terri's dharma talk sections are included. Also, there were issues with the recording so some of her talk was not captured. That said, what is here is very valuable.
Common Ground Meditation Center Monthly Guest Dharma Talk
2016-07-16 Breathing Through the Whole (Racialized) Body, An Embodied Approach to Exploring Racial Privilege 1:44:23
Common Ground Meditation Center
2016-04-09 Waking up to Whiteness: Exploring How to Skillfully and Compassionately Address Race 1:47:08
Within a sacred space of stillness, spaciousness, and community we will explore how the habitual practices of whiteness keep us from embodying the freedom that is our birthright and from taking skillful action to address racism. In a spirit of “don’t know" mind we will investigate attachments to being a “good” white person, and how to disrupt white racial fragility and white silence.
Common Ground Meditation Center
2016-04-09 Waking up to Whiteness: Exploring How to Skillfully and Compassionately Address Race, Part 1 43:00
Within a sacred space of stillness, spaciousness, and community we will explore how the habitual practices of whiteness keep us from embodying the freedom that is our birthright and from taking skillful action to address racism. In a spirit of “don’t know" mind we will investigate attachments to being a “good” white person, and how to disrupt white racial fragility and white silence.
Common Ground Meditation Center
In collection: Waking up to Whiteness: Exploring How to Skillfully and Compassionately Address Race
2016-04-09 Waking up to Whiteness: Exploring How to Skillfully and Compassionately Address Race, Part 2 64:07
Within a sacred space of stillness, spaciousness, and community we will explore how the habitual practices of whiteness keep us from embodying the freedom that is our birthright and from taking skillful action to address racism. In a spirit of “don’t know" mind we will investigate attachments to being a “good” white person, and how to disrupt white racial fragility and white silence.
Common Ground Meditation Center
In collection: Waking up to Whiteness: Exploring How to Skillfully and Compassionately Address Race
2015-03-26 Understanding our Racial Selves - Week 3 40:24
Common Ground Meditation Center Course: Understanding Our Racial Selves
2015-03-19 Understanding Our Racial Selves - Week 2 48:54
Common Ground Meditation Center Course: Understanding Our Racial Selves
2015-03-12 Understanding Our Racial Selves - Week 2 1:27:35
Common Ground Meditation Center Course: Understanding Our Racial Selves

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