Wynn Fricke is co-founder of Common Ground Meditation Center, where she served on the board for nine years and continues as an active leader and practitioner. She has practiced extensively in the Thai Forest and Mahasi Sayadaw traditions and has taught movement as part of Marcia Rose’s Self-No Self and the Creative Process Retreat. Wynn is president of the Buddhist Insight Network, a non-profit organization that serves as a resource for Insight teachers and sanghas across the country. She is a professional choreographer and directs the dance program at Macalester College in St. Paul, MN.
The Buddha has much to say about wise speech as a cause for living with integrity and building wholesome community, and as a direct opening to what the Buddha calls the bliss of blamelessness. In this workshop we will look at the Buddha’s teachings on wise speech in terms of all the relationships we navigate in our lives. We will explore the radical question, what does speech look like when it is not being motivated by greed, anger or delusion?
The Living the Practice Workshop Series is designed for people who have an ongoing mindfulness practice and want to integrate the practice more thoroughly into all aspects of life.
The practice of forgiveness releases an authentic happiness. So why do we ignore or resist it? In this workshop we will acknowledge our stories of resentments and disappointments and how they often imprison us. Forgiveness is not imaginary or hopeful, it is a deepening understanding and acceptance of what is already true. The goal of this workshop is to recognize the limitations of ill will as a strategy for life, and to appreciate letting go as the expression of deep wisdom and compassion.