Dharma Teachers
of Common Ground Meditation Center
-- Select Teacher --
Ajahn Chandako (55)
Ajahn Jotipalo (8)
Ayya Niyyānikā (1)
Ayya Suvijjana (1)
Bhante Sathi (1)
Bhikkhu Sambodhi (1)
Brother Phap De (3)
Ven Bhante Punnaji (1)
Venerable Satima (4)
Alex Haley (14)
Amma Thanasanti (7)
Anam Thubten (5)
Andrew Olendzki (2)
Angela Dews (1)
Anita Raaum (3)
Anushka Fernandopulle (4)
Arinna Weisman (2)
Ben Connelly (2)
Bonnie Duran (1)
Chas DiCapua (12)
Cheri Maples (3)
Craig Vollmar (7)
David Loy (2)
Debbie Norgaard (2)
Dokai Georgesen (1)
Doug McGill (15)
Duane Bidwell (1)
Elene Loecher (1)
Emil J (2)
Eric Storlie (1)
Femi Akinnagbe (1)
Franz Moeckl (2)
Gabe Keller Flores (82)
Gail Iverson (20)
Gregory Kramer (1)
Heather Lyn Mann (1)
Henry Emmons (6)
James Baraz (1)
Jane Rauenhorst (1)
Jane Reyer (2)
Jean Haley (42)
Joen Snyder-O'Neal (3)
Judith Ragir (5)
Kaia Svien (4)
Kamala Masters (8)
Kevin Griffin (17)
Kyoko Katayama (35)
Larry Yang (4)
Louis Alemayehu (5)
Marcia Rose (1)
Mariann Johnson (1)
Mark Berkson (1)
Mark Nunberg (1896)
Mary Jo Meadow (10)
Meg Brandeland (2)
Merra Young (54)
Meski Mebatsion (3)
Mingyur Rinpoche (2)
Myo-O Habermas-Scher (2)
Myoshin Kelley (12)
Nakawe Cuebas Berrios (5)
Nicole Taras (3)
Nils Heymann (29)
Okogyeamon (2)
Pamela Ayo Atunde (2)
Patrice Koelsch (84)
Paul Sackaroff (1)
Phillip Moffitt (2)
Ramesh Sairam (20)
Rebecca Bradshaw (12)
Renie Howard (1)
Rita Gross (8)
Robb Reed (5)
Roger Jackson (3)
Ruth King (4)
Santikaro (39)
scottie hall (1)
Sharon Salzberg (1)
Shelly Graf (130)
Shoshana Alexander (1)
Spring Washam (3)
Stacy McClendon (3)
Steve Armstrong (17)
Steve Burt (1)
Steve Hagen (1)
Sue Cochrane (1)
Terri Karis (8)
Therese Jacobs-Stewart (1)
Tuere Sala (8)
Unknown (3)
Wendy Morris (3)
Wynn Fricke (44)
Wynn Fricke
Wynn Fricke is co-founder of Common Ground Meditation Center, where she served on the board for nine years and continues as an active leader and practitioner. She has practiced extensively in the Thai Forest and Mahasi Sayadaw traditions and has taught movement as part of Marcia Rose’s Self-No Self and the Creative Process Retreat. Wynn is president of the Buddhist Insight Network, a non-profit organization that serves as a resource for Insight teachers and sanghas across the country. She is a professional choreographer and directs the dance program at Macalester College in St. Paul, MN.