The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Teachers of Common Ground Meditation Center
Nakawe Cuebas Berrios
Nakawe Cuebas Berrios feels blessed to have started along the Buddhist path in 1998 with S.N. Goenka. She then continued under the guidance of Gina Sharpe, and now studies with various other teachers, focusing on longer-term retreats. She serves as a mentor for the Prisoner Correspondence Course, sponsored by the BAUS, and is a midwife in the Bronx community. She is a participant in the 2017-2021 IMS Teacher Training Program.

Nicole Taras

Nils Heymann
A native of El Salvador, Nils started meditating at the age of 16 after an event that changed his life. He studied major religions at Lancaster University in England and did research on gurus in Pune, India. He stayed in Hindu and Benedictine monasteries until he went to Thailand to ordain in Ajahn Chah's Forest tradition. He made a commitment to be a monk for seven years and lived in monasteries in England, New Zealand and Italy. He helped translate talks by Ajahn Chah and has given his own talks in a variety of venues including Common Ground Meditation Center in Minneapolis. The first discourse of the Buddha is the framework by which he lives his life. He currently teaches mindfulness four times a week to teens in Oakland. Nils is a member of Casa del Corazon and EBMC’sAlphabet Brothers of Color Deep Refuge Group. His teachers continue to be Ajahn Viradhammo and Ajahn Sumedho.


Pamela Ayo Atunde
Pamela Ayo Yetunde is a Sati Center for Buddhist Studies Chaplaincy Program and Community Dharma Leader graduate. She teaches pastoral care and counseling at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in New Brighton. Ayo has contributed articles to Lion's Roar and Buddhadharma magazines, including the book review on A Thousand Hands: A Guidebook to Caring for Your Buddhist Community

Patrice Koelsch
Formally trained with a Ph.D. in Philosophy, Patrice Koelsch is a writer and educator who began sitting at Common Ground in 1995. She has been facilitating meditation groups in correctional facilities since 1999. Patrice has also practiced meditation at monasteries in Burma and Thailand. In 2006 she completed a year-long Buddhist Chaplaincy Training Program at the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies. Patrice has been certified to teach through Spirit Rock\’s Community Dharma Leaders Program.

Paul Sackaroff

Phillip Moffitt
Phillip Moffitt is co-guiding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center and the founder of the Life Balance Institute. He teaches vipassana (insight) meditation and is the author of two books: "Dancing with Life," which explores the Four Noble Truths, and "Emotional Chaos to Clarity." More information can be found at:

Ramesh Sairam
Ramesh has been part of the Common Ground sangha since 2006 and joined the Board of Directors in 2016. He is a Geriatric psychiatrist and has a deep professional interest in understanding the complex and dynamic interplay between our minds and bodies that often underlie many physical and mental health illnesses. His spiritual practice too is guided by the Buddha's advice about the deep wisdom inherent in our bodies - “within this very fathom-long body, with its perceptions and inner sense, lies the world, the cause of the world, the cessation of the world and the path that leads to the cessation of the world.” He shares some of his experiences through workshops at Common Ground on mindfulness and chronic pain, and finding wisdom in our bodies. He is drawn to Buddha Dharma by the simplicity and universality of its message, and its focus on practice and self-reliance, without the compulsion to believe specific creeds or dogmas. He especially values the importance given to ethical conduct, compassion and generosity.

Rebecca Bradshaw
Rebecca Bradshaw has practiced vipassana and metta meditation since 1983 in both the United States and Burma. She has been teaching since 1993 and is one at the guiding teachers at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts. "My passion is encouraging students to drop into embodied presence, and grounding this presence in wisdom and lovingkindness. When a sense of love and kindness underlies our practice, we can explore life deeply in a truly integrated way, bringing together mind, heart, and body. Wisdom then holds it all in spaciousness. I especially enjoy connecting with young people in the Dharma, teaching students on longer retreats, supporting sangha on a community level, and sharing the dharma in Spanish." For more information about Rebecca and/or to make a donation to support her teaching, please visit her website at

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